Sunday, December 10, 2006

And here we go

This is the beggining.


Dakota said...

A Bloopen is a monster described by our sanest sources as a "Big blue and purple, scary, slightly ticklish monster type thing." Lives mostly in the Himalayas and along the Amazon River. Sometimes seen in in New York city. Highly dangerous; will bite off yoes*, and suck brains. Its spit will disintegrate your eyes burn your skin, and worst of all, leave a nasty rash, which will make your skin turn green and nasty. Can shoot poisonous darts from its tail. Unlike unicorns, if you drink their blood you will not live a cursed life (hopefully.) but will be made invincible (as the folklore tells). also, this fearsome monster has dangerous fangs which it will not hesitate to use. there are also several different types of Bloopens, according to the climates in which they originated. for instance, the famed Parrabloopen, a native of the Amazon, which is now found in all three locations listed above. this particular Bloopen, our scientists believe, is a cross between the common parrot and the original bloopen, of which little is known. it is believed that after mating with a parrot, this original bloopen was tragically trapped in a deep ravine, somewhere in the heart of the Himalayas, where it slowly began to starve, as food supply died out due to a long drought. during this unhappy period the bloopen supposedly began to feed upon its own flesh, which, incidentally, it found to be quite tasty. since this, the Bloopen has had a tendency of cannibalism when food grows scarce.
Also, the Parrabloopen, because of the odd cross between a supposedly magical creature and a parrot, can fly at the amazing speed of 237 MPH. Unfortunately, it rarely comes out of such flights alive, due to poor eyesight. they also detest dry weather, an attribute most likely taken from their ancestors of the rain forest. Parrabloopen young hatch from blue and yellow swirly patterned eggs, which are usually about the size of a grapefruit.
there are two other known kinds of bloopen. The Mafiusu bloopen, which is found mostly in

* this is what our sources described after an unfortunate encounter with a Bloopen. as of yet yoes are unidentified as a part of the human body.

Dakota said...

Central Italy, is a particularly nasty breed, Who endorse the famed saying "Go For The Knees" above all other proverbs.